Monday, October 4, 2010

Media Release

For Immediate Release: October 4, 2010
For More Information:
John Ivanic, (614) 645-6798
Council President Michael C. Mentel Comments on the Passing of Harold M. Cooper
“On behalf of the members of the Columbus City Council, I wish to express our condolences to the Cooper family following the passing of Harold M. Cooper.  Mr. Cooper was not only the ‘Father of Columbus Baseball’, but also a devoted public servant and mentor to many people, including myself.  He understood the value of hard work and sacrifice. Mr. Cooper worked his way up the baseball ladder from a clubhouse attendant to the President of the International League and it is fair to say, without his influence, we would not have baseball in Columbus or a crown jewel of stadiums, Huntington Park.  During his years as a County Commissioner, he consistently put the best interests of the public first.  Columbus and Franklin County are better places because of Harold Cooper.  I am blessed to have had Harold Cooper as a friend and he will be missed.”    