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nn 09.20.2010
2010 Columbus Board of Education Front, l-r: W. Shawna Gibbs; Ramona Reyes; Stephanie Groce, Vice Pres.; and Carol L. Perkins, Pres. Second Row, l-r: Mike Wiles; Hanifah Kambon; and Gary L. Baker II. Click here for scheduled meeting dates, podcasts and how to contact CCS Board of Education members. Fostering Community and School Partnerships A new School Partnership Registration Process has been developed to encourage a cooperative and easy working relationship with our valued partners in support of the district's mission. Click here for additional information. Food Allergies: Policy 5161.3 District Amends Food Allergy Policy to Align With New State Law The prevalence of food allergies is on the rise in the U.S., now affecting 6% to 8% of all children and nearly 1 in 25 school-age children. Click here to learn more. Click here to learn more. Harassment: Policy 5161.3 District's Anti-harassment Policy Now Includes Dating Violence Columbus Board of Education Policy 4114.123 forbids the bullying or harassment a student or group of students. Click here to learn more. CCS Community Survey: Your Opinion Matters! Columbus City Schools is asking for your opinion on communication between the District and the community. The information we receive will enable us to improve our services. Thank you in advance for sharing your opinion with us. Click here to take the online survey. CCS Policy on Student Attire The Columbus Board of Education believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The dress code represents that commitment and applies to all students; principals have the discretion to further restrict the dress code. Students are responsible for following their school's dress code.
Columbus City Schools Latchkey Program Latchkey is a school-age child care program that provides care and education for children of working parents. This program is designed to be a link between the home and the school. Certified, qualified and experienced child care providers supervise, teach and interact with children to ensure that they are cared for, supervised, exposed to many learning activities, allowed to complete homework and share enjoyment in a relaxed and carefully designed developmentally appropriate environment. Click here to learn more! Ohio Senate Bill 311 Credit Flexibility: A New Option for High School Students Columbus City Schools provides students four different methods to earn high school academic credit toward graduation: Traditional, Integrated, Applied, and Career-technical. Credit Flexibility is an additional opportunity for students to create unique learning experiences. Student proposals could include, but are not limited to: distance learning (online), educational travel, independent study, internships, community service, performance, and field experiences. Click here to read more! CCS Higher Education Partnership Seniors to Sophomores: Earning college credit in high school Columbus City Schools has partnered with several Central Ohio institutions of higher learning to develop programs that boost student achievement and college readiness, offering college-level courses to seniors. The Columbus City Schools Seniors to Sophomores program is a dual enrollment program, which enables academically qualified high school seniors to earn both high school and college credit at the same time. Click here to learn more! CCS Breakfast and Lunch Program Breakfast and lunch have a great impact on student achievement. Breakfast is free to all students. All meals comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans developed by the National Research Council. Menus are available on a daily basis by calling the FACTLine at 221-FACT (3228) or by clicking here. Almost three in four CCS students eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program. In addition to completing an application from the school office, parents may now also complete an application online! Only one application is required for each family. | Back-to-School CCS Earns Continuous Improvement Rating "We have set high expectations for our staff and students and we will continue to push forward with achieving our goal of success for each student," said CCS Superintendent and CEO Gene T. Harris, Ph.D. The district exceeded the 75 % state standard in its high schools in the areas of reading and writing. The district's 10th grade reading at 75.6% and writing at 79.5%. The district's 11th grade reading and writing also exceeded the 85% state standard at 87.1% and 89.1%. At the elementary school level the district remained consistent in 3rd grade reading at 59.0%. Fifth-grade reading is up one percent, and mathematics is up 3.8% compared to the 2008-2009 school year. Click here to read more. Columbus City Schools' Vision 2012 and Beyond Board Approves General Construction Contracts for Historic Linden-McKinley HS & Ft. Hayes Sites All classrooms, science labs and special education rooms will be updated with latest audio visual and technology systems. The building is also designed to be environmentally sustainable and energy efficient. The Linden-McKinley project is part of a larger seven-segment, Facilities Master Plan to create and redevelop 21st-century learning environments districtwide. Currently, segment three represents a total community investment of $192 million, which includes matching funds of $46 million from the state of Ohio through the Ohio School Facilities Commission. For information about the Linden-McKinley project or to take a peek inside - Click here! CCS Virtual Credit Advancement Program (VCAP) Students may choose from a full compliment of courses for enrichment, including courses in literature, history, chemistry, physical education and health. Whether students need to make up missed credits, repeat courses or balance school with other responsibilities, CCS-VCAP is a great choice. In addition, students enrolled in VCAP on a full-time basis have access to all extracurricular activities available to traditional students. Click here for additional information. Project Mentor Wants You: Change a Child's Life and Transform the Community Student Snack Vending Healthier Choices Implemented in 2009, the Snackwise® vending system uses color-coded symbols to help students identify healthier snack choices:
The ultimate goal of the Snackwise® vending system is to eliminate all "Red" items. Developed by the Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Snackwise® is based on the current dietary guidelines. The district is partnering with Cardinal Vending and Snackwise®, to provide the district's vending options with a "healthy" makeover. A "water only" vending policy was implemented in 2008. Click here to learn more about the CCS Student Wellness Initiative. CCS To Potentially Receive Approximately $7.9 million for Hiring, Rehiring, Retaining Teachers The federal law specifies that the money be used for salaries and benefits for hiring, rehiring, and retaining teachers. "In these difficult economic times, we continue to be extremely fiscally cautious. We know that we will continue to face challenges and uncertainty with the upcoming state biennial budget," said Superintendent Gene T. Harris, Ph.D. Read for the Record: Snow is in the Forecast! By gathering to read the same book on the same day, everyone can all be part of setting a new world record in a way that engages our entire community. The 2010 campaign book is the Ezra Jack Keats' classic, The Snowy Day, a popular 1962 children's picture book featuring a boy named Peter, who explores his neighborhood after the first snowfall of the season. Click here to learn how to participate! Parents Now Able to View Middle- and High-school Grades Online Superintendent: http://twitter.com/DrGeneTHarris | ||||
Columbus City Schools | 270 East State Street | Columbus, Ohio 43215 | (614) 365-5000 |