Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Transportation subsidies according to Pew

Here's a tool to share with others when they ask if passenger rail should be privatized -- it already is, on the infrastructure side. Ask them when highways, airports and waterways will privatize their infrastructure, then we can discuss privatizing Amtrak operations which require fewer of their costs (one-fourth) to be subsidized than highways' costs (one-half). Equalize the rules of the game first....


Everyone benefits from a transportation system that works efficiently and effectively.

The U.S. government has played a continuous role in the transportation sector throughout its history. To better coordinate the government's transportation activities, in 1966, President Johnson created the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Today DOT houses various government transportation programs, such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Highway Trust Fund and the U.S. Maritime Administration. Altogether DOT includes 13 sub-agencies covering a range of transportation modes, such as: aviation, highways, maritime, motor carriers, pipeline safety, and public transit and railroads.

Please also see the pie chart of direct fiscal expenditures on transportation 2000-2008:
Ken Prendergast
Executive Director
All Aboard Ohio
12029 Clifton Blvd., Suite 505
Cleveland, OH 44107
(216) 288-4883