Monday, December 6, 2010

Re: holiday party

Hi William,
Are you sure you don't want to reschedule the Holiday Party? We can still have a garden meeting and move the Holiday Party. It won't be the same without you and Missy there!

On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 12:10 PM, William Murdock <> wrote:
April! Hopefully you had a good thanksgiving!

So... in an unexpected development, I have to fly out of state because of work for a few days this week.  Unfortunately, this includes Thursday :-(  I'm so bummed...

As far as the meeting and party, Butch is the one who reserved the space, so you should be good.  What we typically ask folks to do is to bring desserts or snacks/drinks.  Kind of like a reception, not a full meal... but with the garden folks coming, a potluck might also work. 

I'm so sorry that I can't come! Please let me know what kind of food you'd like folks to bring and I'll send out the reminder to the list.

- William

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 9:04 AM, April Calkovsky <> wrote:
Hi William,
So we are going to have a garden meeting before the holiday party next thursday evening. Is the holiday party a potluck dinner or a desserts/treats kind of thing or hors de oeuvres? All of the active garden people are excited for both the garden meeting and the holiday party - we had a meeting on Tuesday night and I let them know about it then. Let me know what you were thinking for food plans - I think everyone is willing to bring a little something, they just want to know if they should head down the side dish aisle or the sweets aisle :)
