Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Support SARTA

I am forwarding this message as my personal expression of support of SARTA, one of the most well-run small-city transit agencies in Ohio. I urge you to support them, too. Thank you.

Dear Friend,


On May 3, 2011 SARTA will be asking Stark County residents to support a ¼% sales tax renewal to continue providing valuable services.  This will not be a new tax. These are tough economic times and this will be a difficult campaign. In order to be successful, we need to raise $120,000.  Your contribution of is needed to reach the projected 80,000 voters in Stark County that will be voting in this primary will be costly.


SARTA recognizes its duty to be fiscally responsible and has raised bus fares by 25%, cut more than 12% of its budget including reducing staff by 24 employees, reduced and combined routes, and eliminated all Sunday and holiday routes. These measures have helped to cover higher fuel costs and reductions in state and local funding support.  Despite these measures, this levy represents 74% of its funding and SARTA will shut down by September 2012 without passage of this renewal.   


Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. 


Please send your check payable to "Community Support to Countywide Transportation" at 3006 15th St., N.W., Canton, Ohio 44708.




Kirt Conrad

Executive Director/CEO