Monday, August 16, 2010

Press Release

August 16, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: James C. Ragland 614-645-8580
Tavares addresses National League of Cities’
NBC-LEO Annual Conference
Columbus City Councilwoman Charleta B. Tavares addressed the Annual Conference of the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO) a constituency group of the National League of Cities (NLC) held at the Historic Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee on August 11-15, 2010.  The topic of Councilwoman Tavares’s presentation was “The Peoples’ Champions: Driving to Success; A road map to identifying drivers to navigate state and national policy initiatives to arrive at local solution destinations” .
Tavares’ presentation focused on identifying champions at the local, state and national levels who would cross-pollinate legislative bodies on behalf of local governments and share successful legislative initiatives and challenges to local government. “We must use who we have at every level of government who has served in local elective office to get what we need for our communities, said Tavares.  This is not only necessary but imperative if we are going to address the imbalance of federal and state policies negatively impacting local governments and our constituents.”
Councilwoman Tavares, who is currently the President Elect of NBC-LEO, led a delegation of leaders from the City of Columbus to address the needs of residents at the Annual Conference entitled, “Strong Leadership During Challenging Times.”  “I have been privileged to serve my constituents and the Columbus community through my work with the National League of Cities and the NBC-LEO boards. This conference, which brings together local elected officials from around the country, seeks to find solutions to the most pressing issues that face our cities during one of the most difficult times in our country’s history.  We use this venue annually to highlight successful local economic development models, develop our federal policy agenda and strengthen our relationships with local elected officials throughout the country to work on behalf of our residents and our cities”, concluded Tavares.
The National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO) was created in 1970 to represent the interests of African American elected officials and their constituents within the NLC. NBC-LEO’s objectives include increasing African American participation on the NLC's steering and policy committees to ensure that policy and program recommendations reflect African American concerns and benefit their communities.
For more information go to:
For additional information on Councilwoman Tavares’ presentation please contact James Ragland at (614)645-8580 or