Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fw: NEED IMMEDIATE HELP: Progressive Railroading TSW On-Line Survey

Sorry for all the e-mails, but Progressive Railroading is conducting an on-line poll on the question of allowing states to increase truck weights from 80,000 lbs. to 97,000 lbs.  This poll isn't scientific, but the National Industrial Transportation League (NITL), a vocal supporter of heavier trucks, has notified its membership to vote in support of the heavy truck proposal by voting in this PR poll.  I am asking you to also vote in the poll, but to DISAGREE with the proposition.  The link to the poll is included below.
Voting is at
Please vote by the end of the day Monday April 25. Thanks!
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Ken Prendergast
Executive Director
All Aboard Ohio
12029 Clifton Blvd., Suite 505
Cleveland, OH 44107
(216) 288-4883