Thursday, April 28, 2011

Richard's email and other things

Hi William,
How are you? It's been a while. How are you and Missy doing? I just wanted to check in real quick. I'd like to get Richard's email address if you have it handy. I thought I had saved it, but I can't find it. I want to see if he is interested in having a garden plot. Are you and Missy interested in having a plot? We have a few available so please do let me know. Any unused plots will be used for herbs and/or flowers until someone wants to occupy them.

We are building 2 or 3 new raised beds this year because the Creative Living people are so into it! It really is a lot of fun and very exciting to have such a commitment from them. I have had a little run-in with Steve Volkmann who wasn't happy about the mural, the bench, or the general "look" of the garden. He said it was just supposed to be something small scale and nice and it isn't. Of course, he saw it in November, so I'm not sure what garden looks good in November. In any case, we removed the mural and nixed the plan to build two wheelchair accessible picnic tables in the area. Steve said that he doesn't want the garden to be a gathering place. He is saying that because he is worried about vagrants and tailgaters hanging out in the space, but it was hard to swallow anyway. We cleaned up the compost bins and are making FULL use of the shed you have for us - thank goodness for that shed!!! I don't know where we would put all of those tomato stakes and fencing otherwise. We also have a tool box in the garden now.

Would you mind posting some things on the website under the garden for me? The email that I sent the other day has the rules and registration form (in one attachment) attached - could you please post those to the website? Could you also post something like:
It's time to grow veggies, flowers and fruit - are you ready? The NECKO Community Garden is kicking things into full swing on May 14th (rain date May 21st). Join us to plant veggies in the community plot. Interested in having your own plot? Read over the garden rules and email April Calkovsky, Garden Coordinator at to discuss the options.

Let me know if there's anything you or Missy need. I'd love to have you guys involved in the garden this year :)
