Tomorrow evening (Wednesday, May 11th) at 6:30pm we will have a garden meeting in the lobby of Creative Living at 1531 Perry Street. We will be discussing the layout of the planting for the community plot, creating signs for the compost system and discussing the watering schedule for the community plot. Please join us!
Thanks to the hard work of Creative Living Gardener Patti Ruble, we received a $25 donation from Oakland Nursery and a $100 donation from Home Depot in Dublin. From Oakland Nursery, I purchased seeds for many, many direct sow flowers, vegetables and herbs, to be planted THIS Saturday. From Home Depot, we will be purchasing a wheel to house the hose, a new hose nozzle, and ?? other things to be determined. THANK YOU PATTI!!!!
I've only received one gardener registration form so far - please get those to me as soon as you can, either by mail or in person. Ohio State's legal department is asking me for the Release of Liability forms - we MUST provide them before people start gardening. All gardeners - even those not choosing an individual plot, need to complete the registration form and the Release of Liability form.
This Saturday, May 16th from 10am to noon is the community plot planting party. If the current forecast of overcast with random sprinkles holds up, it will be a perfect day for planting. Please join me! If the rain is really coming down, however, we will do it on May 21st. Planting in very wet soil promotes root rot - and we don't want that!
Let the gardening begin!
April Calkovsky
6674 Morehampton Ct
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068